Adding a new user

Adding a new user

To add a new user to a site in Embrayse, follow these steps:
  1. The new user must browse to on their device, and log in using their work username and password.
  2. Upon logging in, the user will see a padlock on the screen, and a note indicating that they do not yet have any roles and must notify the administrator.
  3. At this point an Admin user must:
    1. Log into Embrayse on their own device.
    2. If member of multiple sites, select the relevant site in the dropdown in the top left of the screen.
    3. Navigate to Settings > Users and click the Add User button near the button of the page.
    4. Select the new user from the list to add them to the current site.
    5. Assign one or more appropriate User roles(s) to the new user.
    6. Repeat steps b to e if the new user requires access in any other sites.
  4. The new user can now refresh their browser and access Embrayse.

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